Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Centaur: Will It Succeed Where The Segway Failed?

The Stylus-Driven Life: The Centaur: Will It Succeed Where The Segway Failed?

The Segway Human Transporter (HT) is cutting edge, nope, BLEEDING EDGE technology design and innovation. However, despite the hype it generated when it was introduced a couple of years ago, adoption of the Segway HT is very slow even in rich countries. In fact, the only "news" I hear about the Segway HT is when Steve Wozniak uses it for his "Segway Polo" matches.

From the same company that "spawned" the Human Transporter comes this: The Segway Centaur. This is a battery-powered all-terrain vehicle type of device that uses the original HT's advanced gyroscope-based Dynamic Stabilization Technology. It has other advance features that a geek like me can only stare at it and drool gallons...

Well. depending on the range of this vehicle, this may well be yet another expensive piece of modern sculpture/conversation piece that only the filthy stinking rich can afford.


Ade said...

i guess the segway failed because it wasd too darn expensive. they should make one cheap. not dirt-cheap, but affordable. something that ordinary people like us can afford.

Kanji said...

Used Segways can be had for $2500-$2700 on E-Bay. That's not too much for "ordinary people" to afford.

Almost anyone can save $2500 in a year or 18 months if you want something bad enough.