Monday, March 27, 2006

PSOne: Goodbye and Thanks for all the Fish!

Sony stops making original PS - News at GameSpot

Sony has announced that they will stop production of the venerable PSOne (also known as *THE* Playstation). It has been reported that Sony was able to sell over 100 Million units of this classic gaming machine. There are further reports that Sony itself will release a PSOne emulator for its PlayStation Portable (PSP).

I use to own one of these babies and although I sold it to a friend later (I never had that much time to play with it), I had fond memories of this incredible console.

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1 comment:

jhay said...

I had two PSOnes, the original which I also sold to a friend, and smaller version of it I bought for old times' sake. Then when I got my PS2 and XBox, it was simply there on display, a testament to a great gaming rig.

Great times....great times...