Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fairuse4WM: How to Make MS Release Patch Faster

One of the niggling problems of using Microsoft Windows is Microsoft's slow/delayed release of critical patches that plugs security holes that allow hackers into your system. This allows hackers/crackers to be one step ahead of users in terms of protecting themselves against security vulnerabilities.

But wonders of wonders, Microsoft was able to deploy a patch that prevents a program called FairUse4WM days after it was released. FairUse4WM is neither a virus nor a security vulnerability. FairUse4WM allows users to strip out the DRM of audio files (mostly music or MP3 files) and allows users who purchased these music to do whatever they want to do with their purchase.

This is a rather disturbing fact since they (Microsoft) prefer to delay legitimate fixes to their inherently flawed OS while they rush over themselves to release a "fix" when their DRM is in jeopardy. What I find really goofy about this is that Microsoft has stopped issuing security patches for "older" Windows versions making users of Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows NT fair game to crackers and botmasters while they have dedicated a team to work around the clock to counteract FairUse4DRM. Is DRM more important than user security? Do they prefer to have a secure DRM than a secure computing environment that is free from virus, spyware and trojans?

FYI: Microsoft releases patches for security vulnerabilities once a month -- a day now dubbed as 'Patch Tuesday'.

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