Friday, January 20, 2006

What Would YOU Do If You Leave Your Phone at Home?

For the second time within a span of two months, I again forgot my trusty cellphone at home. The bad thing about this is that I realized this only after I have parked my car in Makati (I live in Laguna). Upon the realization that I have no means of portable communication for the day, I had a rather sinking feeling. Today is Friday and on Friday afternoons, I meet up with my wife to have dinner before going home. In order to meet up "painlessly", she sends me an SMS whenever she's minutes away from our meeting place, preventing long waits (and leg cramps) in the process.
photo of Palm Treo 650 smartphone
*IF* I live a few minutes away from home, I'd probably rush back to get my cellphone but home is around 40 kilometers away so that's out of the question. Another reason why this is such a big deal is that my cellphone is also my PDA (its a Treo 650) and as I always say, "half my brain is stored on my PDA". Well, my "to do" list is stored there and I need to make phone calls and the numbers are also stored there (bummer!) Good thing I religiously do a Hotsync between my Treo 650 and my laptop (an Apple iBook) so I'm still with the contents of half my brain but the portability is not as... portable.

In any case, I'll probably borrow a friend's cellphone to send an SMS to my wife -- informing her that I'll be out of touch the whole day today and hope nothing untoward happens today that would necessitate the need for the "almighty cellphone".

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