Friday, November 23, 2007

Preparing for the Big One (Typhoon Mina/Mitag)

Storm season arrived rather late this year and one of the (hopefully) last one is a rather big typhoon and it *might* hit my place if things doesn't change.  As seen on the satellite picture above, this is not a small weather disturbance and if it does run though my general area, here's some general precautions that I will do:

  • Make sure that all my gadgets are fully charged -- especially my cellphone, my NDS lite, my laptop and my iPod Touch.
  • During the storm, unplug all delicate electronics.  One will never know if a surge in electricity will hit it.
  • Make sure that I have enough eBooks loaded on both my cellphone and my iPod Touch -- in case there's a power interruption, reading those eBooks will while away my time.
  • Make sure all my gadgets are kept in a place where water will not reach them.
It doesn't take a genius to come up with the list similar to the one I made above.  I sure hope the storm doesn't do as much damage as the ones that came last year.

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