Friday, March 24, 2006

Apple Tablet on an Apple Website?

Apple - Education - Higher Education - School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, pg.1

I first saw this picture on Engadget and acting on instict, I headed on over to the "mothership" (also known as the Apple website) to see the picture for myself. But its still there in plain sight: a bunch of PowerBooks, iPods *and* a conspicuous tablet computer (being used by a dude at the bottom of the picture). Engadget is positive that it is a PC-based tablet but what's a "PeeCee" doing in an Apple website. Well your guess is as good as mine but here are some reckless and unfounded speculations:

1. Apple is subliminally suggesting that there will indeed be a tablet-based computer in the horizon.

2. The "tablet" is actually Apple's answer to the UMPC/Project Origami and it will be launched on April 1 (Apple's 30th anniversary)

3. Apple webmasters had a hard time cropping the dude using the tablet so they just let it slide.

But then again, I may be hyperventilating over nothing...

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Ade said...

I'm actually going for #3.

Charlie said...

hi! nice posts! i'm bloghopping and just checking your blogsite. Keep the blogs rolling!