Thursday, April 06, 2006

Microsoft's Cure for Malware: Wipe Out Your Hard Drive!

...malicious hackers are conducting targeted attacks that are "stealthy and effective" and warned that the for-profit motive is much more serious than even the destructive network worms of the past. "In 2006, the attackers want to pay the rent. They don't want to write a worm that destroys your hardware. They want to assimilate your computers and use them to make money.

Microsoft Says Recovery from Malware Becoming Impossible

Well, as mentioned it the article that an unnamed US Government agency had an infestation that they had to wipe out the hard drives and reinstall the system of 2,000 machines. I sure am glad that I'm not working at that agency, otherwise I'll just quit my job and just sell hotdogs on the corner (but I'm in the Philippines so I'll have to settle to selling fishballs and kwek-kwek).

But seriously, bad press like these makes switching to another OS (be it Linux or OS X) a better alternative than having to have a daily bout with the hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities and malware for Windows.

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