Thursday, June 07, 2007

Foleo, Schmoleo Part Trois (Eee Eeedition)

Early today, while checking my RSS feeds, I stumbled upon an Engadget entry where they report that Asus' Eee PC is already "in the wild" in China!


The report further states that the price is indeed pegged to start at a mouth-watering $200 (less than Php 10K) and it will be available to the English-speaking market by August of this year. But there's a bad news for the acolytes of Bill Gates -- the Eee PC will most likely come pre-installed with Linux but the good news is that drivers for Windows XP will be included (as if it will make a difference... meh!)

Well, hopefully the price holds out when it reaches the local shores and if it does, I will have one by the year's end.

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