Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Amazon Kindle: Hot on the Heels of Amazon Unboxed

Right after the launch of Amazon's "Unbox" video download service, Amazon is now set to release "Kindle", their own version of an eBook reader. As an avid reader, this is a welcome news for me since as I may have mentioned in my previous posts -- I have already gone through literally hundreds of books in eBook format, something that is probably not possible if I were to read them all in their paperback or hard bound version.

Anyway, the specifications of the "Kindle" is still sketchy at the moment but here's what available at the moment:

  • It will have an 800 x 600 resolution, greyscale
  • Internal memory is pegged at 256 MB
  • There will be an SD slot for additional capacity
  • A headphone jack
  • Interface to the device will be mini-USB
  • Thumb board, cursor wheel and job dial for its interface
  • This will be powered by a lithium polymer power pack
  • It will also have an EVDO data -- possibly to directly connect to Amazon
It is also rumored that Amazon will also launch a "Kindle" site that will sell eBooks for this reader.

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