Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Friendster Banned at DENR

Your job or your Friendster account?

In this age of wireless technology, some employees have become so tech-savvy, they spend hours surfing and chatting way beyond their lunch break. But not at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. DENR to employees: Your job or your Friendster

A quick query on with the keyword "DENR" and you will be swamped with 660 pages of search resuls. An alarmist will quickly conclude that *all* DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) personnel is on friendster!

Anyway, looking at the issue from a professional point of view, I think the undersecretary's move is logical and should be followed to the letter. People should not use government property and network connection to log on to social networks that has no connection with their jobs. Its a waste of *my* money as a taxpayer.

Kudos to Undersecretary Jose N. Ferrer, Jr. for issuing the memorandum order prohibiting these activities at DENR offices.

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